
Well, I am Abhi!

More Information

I do my research in @Privatics, Inria, Lyon working along Mathieu cunche.

My current research interests are: Wireless networks security and privacy, Privacy-preserving network protocols, Anonymisation and differential privacy.

I work across disciplines and would be very happy to discuss potential research ideas and opportunities with you.


I obtained Ph.D. from Inria Saclay and Ecole Polytechnique in Computer Science, titled: “Privacy-aware sensing: From addressing concerns in public wireless packets to obtaining anonymous trajectories”. During my thesis I worked with Marco Fiore, Catuscia Palamidessi, Aline Carneiro Viana, and, Nadjib Achir.

Looking briefly at my academic background, I received a dual master’s in Computer Science from KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Sorbonne University in 2020 with a full merit scholarship. My master thesis was at Inria, Paris, and Nokia Bell Labs under the supervision of Renata Teixeira.

I finished my engineering degree (2018) from Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Mandi in Electrical Engineering, where I was privileged to complete my bachelor’s thesis with distinction.

Contact me

Email: abhishek.mishra@inria.fr
Fingerprint: 01E6 C42E EC92 0F26 EDD9  1B30 EDDE 3D29 DF2D B84C

Office address:
Inria Lyon, Bâtiment CEI-2
56, Boulevard Niels Bohr
69603 Villeurbanne